
Those Pesky Loan Covenants

Dave Keller - If you did not have a good year, your lender’s collateral has probably decreased and their risk has likely increased. When risk increases, banks become nervous. Most bank loan agreements have loan covenants that customers (you) must ...

Your Annual Review - Are You Ready For 2009

David Keller - Take a look at your expenses. Compare your expenses against other 20 group members. Compare them to industry averages. If some are high compared to the industry guides, review the detail of the expense accounts to see if you can reduce...

Pigs Get Fat, Hogs Get Slaughtered

Thomas B. Hudson, Esq. - One surefire way to make sure a court won’t enforce your arbitration agreement is to ask it to do more than get you in front of an arbitrator. I can’t tell you the number of arbitration agreements I’ve seen that indicate...

What Happens When Your Customer Is Uninsured?

Thomas B. Hudson, Esq. - Sometimes it seems like there’s just no end to the ways a dealer can get into a legal jam. That’s really not surprising ... Here’s an example of a dealer’s problems arising from the sale, or non-sale, of credit insurance...

Technology in 2008

David Keller - Well, it is 2008. Yes, you probably know that by now. But are you really living in the year 2008? Is your business? The only way to know is to ask a few simple questions...

Cash Flow: An Urgent Matter

Dave Keller - If you are a typical dealer, you probably check your cash balance daily. Some dealers run their business by their checkbook balance, while others use the actual bank account balance and release checks accordingly. Which is better?...

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